click clack club
The Click Clack Club is our exclusive loyalty scheme. So whether you're here for shiny new dice or bookish goodies, you can earn points on all purchases and earn rewards!
Here's how it works
Step 1 - Sign up for an account on our website using the little Click Clack Panel on the bottom right of the screen.
Step 2 - Collect Click Clacks (points), you'll get 200 Click Clacks just for joining and there are bonus Click Clacks to be had through social media as well as a gift every year on your birthday! But most importantly, you'll earn 4 Click Clacks for every pound you spend in store.
Step 3 - Redeem your Click Clacks, 100 Click Clacks = £1 to spend in store. When you're ready to redeem simply click on the Click Clack Panel and select how many of your Click Clacks you would like to turn into money and you will receive a voucher code via email for your next order!
Step 4 - Share the love with our referral scheme! You'll find your referral link in the Click Clack Panel, this link will give your friends £5 off when they spend £20. Plus you'll earn yourself a cheeky £5 voucher if they place an order.
There is a minimum spend of £20 on all referral codes.
Your friends will receive a £5 voucher to use on any order over £20.
For each qualifying order placed you will then receive a £5 voucher to use on any order over £20.
Updated: 16/04/2021
These terms and conditions apply to the use of our Loyalty Program, the Click Clack Club.
By participating in the Click Clack Club, you accept and agree to these Terms. If you do not agree with the Terms, please contact us to terminate your membership.
One account per person - duplicate accounts will be removed and self-referral is against the Terms of Use and may result in your membership being terminated. We reserve the right to adjust or remove points and voucher codes as appropriate.
In order to make a qualifying purchase, you must be signed into your account at the time of the purchase. We cannot alter your points balance after the fact if you forget to sign in.
Points will be calculated based on the final payment amount of the qualifying purchase after any discount has been applied. Participants will only receive points for every full £ spent.
If a purchase is refunded, points earnt will be removed from your balance, we reserve the right to adjust or deduct points as appropriate.
Purchases made through Etsy are not eligible for the Click Clack Club, nor are our vouchers codes usable on our Etsy store.
By being a member of the Click Clack Club you consent to receive emails regarding your points, vouchers and Click Clack Club specific offers such as double points events. If you do not wish to receive these emails, please contact us to terminate your membership.